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My private Mugen

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1My private Mugen Empty My private Mugen Wed Nov 16, 2022 1:46 pm


My private Mugen GlDVwFc
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This is the Mugen my brother and me use to play when we want to fight each other out.
I edited the Broken Mugen 1.0 Screenpack to my liking, since the assets of it really fit the WWE/WWF feel I wanted to give to it.
My brother and me played a lot of Wrestemania back in the day (WWF Royal Rumble on Sega Genesis and WWF Warzone on the PSX). Those are the two games I based the menus and music of the Screenpack around.
The Main menu uses the WWF Royal Rumble Genesis Main Theme, I also edited some of the big portraits for the main menu animation to match the in-and-out-floating Portraits of the Wrestlers from WWF Royal Rumble if you wait in the menu and don't press start (I made the animation with the Portraits coming in and floating out of the screen myself), the Options Menu has the BG of the character selection of that game as well as the VS Screen does, and the Select Screen is based on WWF Warzone, the snowblind animation of the Broken Mugen Screenpack matching the half broken TVs used in the Arcade Ladder of WWF Warzone.
The Select Screen music is the menu theme from WWF Warzone from the PSX and the VS Screen Sound is taken directly from Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo, since we used to play a lot of SF2 back in the day as well.

Preview for you:

This Mugen is constantly in work in some form and every character that is inserted here is somewhat edited and balanced for my own taste. My balancing revolves around the character systems made by Infinite, POTS, DivineWolf and R@ce.
Every character is and MvC- or CvS styled one with either 4 or 6 buttons, every character has chain combos, some are more unique like KH2 Sora by ZXtales23, but everything balance edited by me to fit the balancing of the mentioned authors.

2My private Mugen Empty Re: My private Mugen Thu Nov 17, 2022 2:54 am

Vermilion Spy

Vermilion Spy

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hi molchglas

For your convinience I have relocated your topic here to the mugen cinema section.
The Projects/commissions request topic thread where it was posted is reserved for more specific creator-based full game original projects and commission based work as opposed to personal mugen build/edit/compilationn showcases, which is what this section mugen cinema is mainly used for.
Ferl free to continue showcasing any videos regarding your personal mugen build here.

My private Mugen 39750191021_f709bd611c_o

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