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Converting Screenpack to Catalog Style

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1Converting Screenpack to Catalog Style Empty Converting Screenpack to Catalog Style Sat Dec 28, 2019 8:04 am



Converting Screenpack to Catalog Style 29630307338_927318ed53_o
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Hi everyone all are doing well.

I am trying doing this for learning purpose because I got interested in learning mugen "Specifically screenpacks"

As you can see I am trying to make a catalog style screenpack and there are so many errors in term of portrait position, cursor isn't showing , character portrait is under the catalog and the stage select text doesn't show well

Converting Screenpack to Catalog Style 87pSMII

This is for testing purpose only because I am trying to make true dedicated Fighting EX Layer Screenpack which I will share in the future so I choose this screenpack to editing only

I really would appreciate if anyone can point out the mistakes and educate me regarding with:

1- Cursor to show up.
2- make the character portrait invisible from the text catalog.
3- make the stage select text to show up "it's down and I want to know how to put it up to show up"
4- fix the p1 and p2 portrait position.
5- fix the character's name position.

Here is a download link:!OqJiUSyR!qCdbqs9CLZ9Z1_3AiYiWlj6VHJE2V8L1WBLGuC5WWH4

Once I understand everything I will start making the screenpack from scratch.


OldGamer (Retired)

Converting Screenpack to Catalog Style 49283851498_0631820187_o
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Please use these sprite I made for you and please watch my video guide this help you to understand how to fix your Category Menu and work in your favor. if have any other question you know where to find me :D

the sprite

don't worry you can have this just in case,
fixed category

the Video Guide

3Converting Screenpack to Catalog Style Empty Re: Converting Screenpack to Catalog Style Tue Feb 04, 2020 10:44 pm



Converting Screenpack to Catalog Style 51937087073_50975dcb2f_o
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This is most helpful - thanks OldGamer for making the video.

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